Woman Forced into Car Trunk at Gunpoint (US Today)

Robbery detectives released a chilling surveillance video showing a 21-year-old woman being robbed and kidnapped at an ATM last week.
Investigators have a few leads but still, have not been able to identify who did it.
On Thursday, police released the video showing the robber ordered the victim out of her car at gunpoint and then force her into her own trunk. The good quality of the video is something investigators hope helps capture the criminal.
The incident happened last Wednesday at the Wells Fargo near Interstate 30 about 1:30 a.m. in Texas.
The victim, who WFAA-TV has chosen to only identify as Christin, drives up in her three-week-old Kia.
She inserts her ATM card, begins a transaction, then looks around in her front seat as the machine starts.
Christin said she never noticed the young man walking up from behind.
He circles around the back of the ATM, then surprises her holding a cell phone in one hand and a gun in the other.
The robber takes her cash and her new car. But first, he forces the young woman out, walks her to the back of the car and orders her to climb into the trunk.
The only witness is a surveillance camera that caught the young man staring directly into the lens.
Still, he climbs in the car, puts his head down and even covers his hands as he drives away with her in the back.
Arlington, Texas, police said they suspect the same robber held up another man at an ATM hours later.
He eventually parks the Kia and walks away. Christin pulled the emergency lever and escaped.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Arlington Police Robbery Detective Jeff Holloway at 817-459-5739 or Crime Stoppers at 817-469-TIPS (8477).
Tipsters have the option to remain anonymous using Crime Stoppers and can be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.