Arecont Vision Increases Video Clarity at Lotte Department Store in Korea

Arecont Vision Increases Video Clarity at Lotte Department Store in Korea
2 Megapixel Cameras Positioned In Parking Areas Provide Higher-Resolution Images
Los Angeles, CA (July 11, 2012) –– Arecont Vision megapixel cameras newly installed at Lotte Department Store in Busan, Korea, now enable store management to control liability costs by refuting claims that customers' cars were damaged while in the store's parking area. Arecont Vision AV2100-AI cameras with auto-iris lenses are positioned at parking entrances to provide clear 2 megapixel images, despite variable lighting conditions, capturing irrefutable evidence if a car was already damaged as it entered the lot.
“Lotte Department Store has found that the picture quality and digital zoom capabilities of Arecont Vision cameras far exceed analog technology and represent a significant upgrade in system functionality,” said Becky Zhou, VP of Sales - APAC, Arecont Vision. “Video from the new system is noticeably clearer than the previous system using analog cameras, and Arecont Vision megapixel-resolution cameras can also identify license plates and capture faces.”
Kukje Electronics designed and installed the new system using 12 Arecont Vision megapixel cameras. The equipment for the new system was purchased through Envision, a leading IP video surveillance provider in Korea that represents and serves as a distributor/reseller for major security manufacturers such as Arecont Vision. The new system is monitored locally at three car park entrances, and the expanded exterior surveillance system covering all three regions is monitored in a central management center.
“The previous system provided inadequate image resolution to supply a clear view of cars entering the parking area,” said G.H. Kim, manager of Lotte Department Store in Busan, Korea. “The new Arecont Vision cameras offer an additional resolution, superior performance, and a competitive price.”
Arecont Vision is the leading manufacturer of high-performance megapixel IP cameras and associated software. Arecont Vision products are made in the USA and feature low-cost massively parallel image processing architectures MegaVideo® and SurroundVideo® that represent a drastic departure from traditional analog and network camera designs. All-in-one products such as the MegaDome®, MegaView™, and D4F/D4S/D4SO series provide installer-friendly solutions. Compact JPEG and H.264 series of cameras address cost-sensitive applications. These innovative technologies enable Arecont Vision to deliver multi-megapixel digital video at IP VGA camera price points.